[Ep #05] Why an Unwavering Faith in God will ALWAYS Get You Through Life’s Challenges

Topic: Why an Unwavering Faith in God will ALWAYS Get You Through Life's Challenges

Joining me on today’s show is Martin Farrugia.

Having overcome depression amongst other life’s challenges Martin has found that an unwavering faith in God always gets him through.

Answers come when you least expect when you step out in faith.

Martin’s business ‘Eagle Coaching’ is about helping business owners & entrepreneurs tap into their own “Seeds of Greatness” within to overcome their own self-doubts, conquer their fears & rise above the negative.


On today’s show Martin is going to share:

  • Why a Mindset based on FAITH within makes a difference;
  • How to overcome challenges through the power of prayer and an unwavering belief in God;
  • Why belief in yourself and remembering you are here for a purpose is vital to breaking through any challenge.





About Martin Farrugia: 

Having overcome depression amongst other life’s challenges I have found that an unwavering faith in God always gets me through. Answers come when you least expect when you step out in faith. My business Eagle Coaching is about helping business owners & entrepreneurs tap into their own “Seeds of Greatness” within to overcome their own self doubts, conquer their fears & rise above the negative.


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