Joining me on today’s show is Fraser Murray.
Fraser is the CEO and Founder of Coach Connector, which is an online digital platform for organisations to search for top executive coaches and to manage their coaching programs easily, ensuring the highest of standards, including measuring the effectiveness and value of the coaching programme using the Coco Index ROI tool.
Fraser has through his career worked with many women and men, and has a lot to say about the topic of women in leadership.
On today's on the show Fraser will share:
- Do not let anger or paranoid thinking cloud your judgment, and what to do instead.
- Future Focused Feedback, what this is and why this works;
- The importance of always putting yourself in the shoes of the other person.
Podcast (women-in-leadership): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 35:07 — 32.6MB) | Embed
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Resources & Links Shared:
- Website:
- Linkedin: frasermurray
- Twitter: @frasercoco
Stop seeking equality and just try to be your best. You might find you are even better than being a man's equal. – Fraser Murray
About Fraser Murray
Coach Connector is an online digital platform for organisations to search for top executive coaches and to manage their coaching programs easily, ensuring the highest of standards, including measuring the effectiveness and value of the coaching program using the Coco Index ROI tool.
A Personal Message from Annemarie…
Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and thought how awesome it would be to have your very own podcast, where you get to create your very own platform where you can share your message in a much bigger way so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?
But the thought of having to learn all about podcasting technology and the gismos and gadgets – just seems too hard? And, besides, you’re already too busy anyway.
If you’re a purpose-driven service-based business owner with a desire to make a difference in the world – I’ve created a special gift – just for you.
It’s my free Mini-Training – Podcasting with Purpose, where I share with you the key things you need to know to stand out, be heard AND Influence your audience from your very first podcast – if you decide that podcasting is the right choice for you.
I’m also giving you my Podcast Production Workflow Checklist where I share what I do step-by-step to create a podcast as well as the tools I use. As well as a checklist of No-Cost and Low-Cost Tools to get you started.
To access my Podcasting with Purpose Mini-Training – go to
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