Episode #85: Building your online visibility with video with Toni Nelson

With over 4 billion hours of video being watched each month on YouTube; 500 years of video being watched daily on Facebook; and 700 videos being shared on Twitter every minute – is your business leveraging video in your visibility strategies?

If not, with these figures (which I’m sure will continue to increase) online video marketing is a MUST!

On today's show Toni Nelson – an Online Visibility Strategist and an award-winning videographer and photographer shares:

  • 3 reasons why you need to start an online video marketing strategies
  • The types of videos to use
  • How using videos can help you gain more customers
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

What’s the top issue your target market struggles with? Do they know you have a solution to help them? They should! Via @AnnemarieCoach Tweet This

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest –Toni Nelson

Toni Nelson has own and operated several successful businesses over the last 27 years. She is also the author of the soon to be released book: Sexy, Savvy & Successful – A Women’s Guide On How To Start A Business, Gain Financial Free & Buy More Shoes!

Toni is an Online Visibility Strategist, Award-winning Videographer and Photographer.

Contact Tonid17b9e2d01f7b8b7c70bd4da6cc70885



What did you think about the message Toni shared today? Are you already using videos as a way to get your message out there? If not, has Toni inspired you to try? Go ahead and share.We’d love to hear from you!

Please leave your comment in the box below, and remember to share and Like the show with your colleagues. Also, stop on by our Facebook page to say hello and to give us a shout out on Twitter – we promise to shout back! As always, we appreciate it!



  1. Ambitious Entrepreneur Radio Show March 21, 2013 at 11:26 am - Reply

    […] Here’s the page from her site: Ambitious Entrepreneur […]

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