Episode #91: Build Credibility and Trust with your tribe by hosting a Virtual Event with Virtual Event Maven Lynn Pearce

Building credibility and trust with your ideal clients is something that all of us here at ambitious entrepreneurs want to achieve and one great way to achieve that is to host a virtual event.

My guest today is Lynn Pearce who is known as the Virtual Event Maven and is the trusted expert you can turn to when you need guidance and advice about anything and everything to do with Virtual Events.

Today Lynn is going to share:

  • What a virtual event is and how they can help you grow your list
  • How you can create a virtual event that stands out in a very crowded market place
  • Why you don’t have to be a technical genius or have a trust fund in order to make virtual events part of your business
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

Be authentic in all you do for your brand. Passion can’t be faked. Neither can trying to be something you’re not. Be YOU!@AnnemarieCoach Tweet This


Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest – Lynn Pearce

Lynn is know as the Virtual Event Maven – that trusted expert you turn to when you need guidance and advice about anything and everything to do with Virtual Events.

She helps clients integrate virtual events as a key marketing strategy in their businesses as a way to build credibility and trust with their tribe.

Contact LynnLMP2x3BW



What did you think about the message Lynn shared today? Are you already using virtual events to grow your list and visibility? If not, has Lynn inspired you to try? Go ahead and share.We’d love to hear from you!

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