01: 30 Days To Distinction for Coaches and Consultants

👉 #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#1👈

Most people experience Imposter Syndrome at one time or another in their careers. That voice that says ‘Who do you think you are?’  

Is Imposter Syndrome keeping you playing small? Or is it stopping you from taking the next BIG leap in your business? 

Imposter Syndrome can certainly keep you from becoming Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible. 

Which is why in today’s first #30DaysToDistinction Video Tip we’re going to stare Imposter Syndrome right in the FACE, along with a few choice words. 

I share more in today's tip.

Go ahead and download the Action Guide at: www.IndustryThoughtLeaderAcademy.com/Distinction

Access the Build Your Distinguishable & Irresistible Brand & Message Masterclass here:



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