The Best Advice Your Mother Never Gave You with Cathy Lumsden

Psychotherapist, author and speaker – Cathy Lumsden shares with us techniques from her book “The Best Advice Your Mother Never Gave You”, which will inspire you to want to build better relationships. Plus, we will also hear some of her ‘how to’ tips to assist us in building stronger, healthier relationships.

Discover how to:

  • understand why things work and why things didn’t work.
  • quickly identify old, problematic behaviors and patterns.
  • stop reacting and start responding in order to feel heard and understood.

These are just a few of the many important messages found in her most insightful book.

Cathy and I also discussed some of her writing strategies, book-marketing techniques and how her book became a stepping-stone to a TV show and other promotional opportunities.  We heard how she made “pitches” to various producers, magazines and other news media in order to market herself and her book to expand her business presence further. Finally, Cathy shared how she gradually incorporated the use of social media – initially twitter – as a tool she felt most comfortable with to give herself a personal presence online.

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

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Now, I’d like to introduce you to our special guest – Cathy Lumsden

Cathy Lumsden, psychotherapist, author, and speaker who has over 27 years of touching thousands of individual adults, families, teenagers and children’s lives.  Cathy is the host of a weekly TV show called “The Best Advice”.  She has interviewed experts on relationships from all over North America (Bob Proctor, Kristin Carlson, Peggy McColl, Kathleen Hendricks) – inspiring people to create vibrant healthy relationships with their partners, children, colleagues, and most importantly with themselves.

Cathy Lumsdenis the author of “The Best Advice Your Mother Never Gave You:  A Guide to Finding Love in The 21st Century.  She calls herself a “Belief Buster” assisting others to eradicate the sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that hinder their lives.  Cathy also believes that when we shift, not only can we truly live, while we are still alive, we can heal the world together.

Contact CathyCatharine Lumsden


Twitter: @catlumsden


What about you?Perhaps you have some tips, suggestions and ideas to share that you have successfully utilized that would be of assistance to future authors, business people and budding entrepreneurs on how to implement various aspects of social media in growing and marketing their businesses online.

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