[Ep#278] How to network and market yourself if you are an introvert

How to network and market yourself if you are an introvert

My guest today says, “If you’re outgoing and extroverted, go to every event you can. If not, I would definitely say to build your social network up and make sure you’re out there and people can find you.”

Joining me today is Jordon Meyer.

Jordon Meyer is the founder and president of Granular, an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in pay-per-click (PPC) management. Jordon and his team have over 50+ years of combined experience, helping organizations from small businesses to enterprise level.


On today’s show Jordon is going to share:

  • How to build relationships with key stakeholders to grow a business.
  • How to network and market yourself and your company if you are an introvert.
  • How hiring the right talent leads to a great culture, which in turn leads to business growth


About Jordon:

Jordon Meyer is the founder and president of Granular, an award-winning digital marketing agency specializing in pay-per-click (PPC) management. Jordon and his team have over 50+ years of combined experience, helping organizations from small businesses to enterprise level.

Contact Jordan:

YOUR SAY:What inspired you about the message shared today? What action are you going to take within the next 24 hours?

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