[Ep45] The three ‘must-have’ insights to help your team, purpose, and profits thrive

The three ‘must-have' insights to help your team, purpose, and profits thrive 

My guest today says, ” We live in a world of duality and infinite possibilities. You get to decide what you receive.” 

Joining me today is Karen Chaston.

Karen is the co-founder of the Chaston Centre. She is an international bestselling author, international speaker, Life Coach specialising in Loss, Former CFO & CPA.  Her first-hand experience assisted The Chaston Centre in creating programs which demonstrate the correlations between loss, people and all areas of life. 

When individuals embrace these concepts, you will easily move beyond any kind of loss and create a better everyday life.  

When companies embrace these concepts, they unlock the people and profits connection. Providing tangible solutions that will help them to make the best possible product, offer the best possible customer experience and build the strongest possible company. 

On todays’ show, Karen will share: 

  1. How to assist your employees to rock up each and every day, present and productive. 
  2. The benefits from valuing employees, customers and shareholders as equal stakeholders 
  3. The three ‘must-have’ insights that ensure your people, purpose and profits are thriving 





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