[Ep38] Why retention and engagement are more important than ever

Why retention and engagement are more important than ever

My guest today says, “Recruitment is champagne and razor blades”.

Joining me today is Annie Milne.  Annie commenced her career within Recruitment in 1994 and prior to founding Sprout Recruitment Annie held Senior Management roles within some of the world's largest recruitment organizations.  Holding formal qualifications in Communications, Psychology, and business management Annie is Passionate about people and believes that communication is the key to success.

Sprout Recruitment offers a range of services including recruitment, one on one business performance, and accountability coaching along with team coaching for high performance.  When not working Annie has a keen interest in champagne, Horse Racing, and Skiin.

On today’s show, Annie will share: 

  • Why retention and engagement are more important than ever 
  • Perspective with a little humour   
  • Own your story and be authentic being in business is hard enough without having to balance that with keeping up a façade  



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