[Ep#306] Taking aligned action in the direction God gave you

Taking aligned action in the direction God gave you

My guest today says, “When we are aligned, there is no grind.

Joining me today is Stephanie Martin.

Stephanie helps Christ-centered transformational women leaders and entrepreneurs to step into the new heights they feel called to reach. She helps them clarify their chosen ones (aka-niche), let go of outcomes and flow in alignment with God's higher plans and purpose for them rather than trying to force things to happen in their own strength.

On today’s show Stephanie is going to share:

  1. Belief in not only God, but in yourself is critical to your success. Mindset is huge in our success or lack of it.
  2. Surrendering the business, outcomes, etc to God, and seeking His agenda first rather than forcing things out of fear, impatience, anxiety etc makes a massive difference in our inner peace and the success of our business.
  3. Taking Aligned action in the direction God gave you yields massive results.


About Stephanie:

I help Christ- centered transformational women leaders and entreprenerus to step into the new heights they feel called to reach. I help them clarify their chosen ones (aka-niche), let go of outcomes and flow in alignment with God's higher plans and purpose for them rather than trying to force things to happen in their own strength.

Contact  Stephanie:

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