[Ep #277] Leading from the Heart

Topic: Leading from the Heart

My guest today says, “We are a ‘family’ that is ready to welcome you.  Our role is to be their cheering squad in a tough period of their life.”

Joining me today is Domenic Valastro.

Domenic came to Christ at age 20, and as a Sicilian Catholic, this proved a challenge for his parents.

Domenic’s conversion was quite dramatic and within 18 months he was on staff at Campus Crusade and working as a full-time Youth Director (for no pay) at his local Baptist church.

Domenic and his wife were part of the Gloria Jeans’ franchise network for 7 years and after selling their franchises, decided to commit themselves to working in Christian organisations which remains the case today.

Domenic’s CEO roles have been in the Christian Conferencing sector, and Christian early learning sector currently with Integricare.

On today’s show Domenic is going to share:

  • Be true to who you are in Christ. Wherever you are placed, either in secular environments or in Christian organisations, both have challenges.
  • Don’t chase the dollars or the title. It is very easy to base your sense of self-worth on the job you hold and the money you earn.
  • Lead from the heart. Again, this should be an expression of your Christian faith.


About Domenic Valastro:

I came to Christ at age 20, and as a Sicilian Catholic, this proved a challenge for my parents. My conversion was quite dramatic and within 18 months I was on staff at Campus Crusade and working as a full-time Youth Director (for no pay) at my local Baptist church. I met my wife of 31 years at this church and soon after getting married, completed my Master’s degree in Business and worked in banking and telecommunications in senior corporate marketing roles until 2003, when my wife and I decided to join the Gloria Jeans’ franchise network. During the seven years we were involved in this, we opened three stores. When we sold our last franchise, we decided to commit ourselves to working in Christian organisations which remains the case today. My CEO roles have been in the Christian Conferencing sector, and Christian early learning sector currently with Integricare.


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