Episode #68: Communicating with Confidence: Key steps to ensure your blog stands out


With over 31 million blogs in the USA* alone means there is a lot of competition when it comes to attracting and retaining readers.

One way to ensure that your blog posts and website stands out from the rest is to consistently deliver high quality content, which requires strong business writing skills and a key grasp on grammar.

Unfortunately, however this is something that many ambitious entrepreneurs struggle with, so we’re fortunate to have two experts with us on today’s show – English and Education specialists – Jessica Oman and Nicole Breit will share:

  • Step-by-step tips for writing a blog post in 30 minutes
  • The key to eliminating writer’s block
  • Tips for more efficient and more effective business writing
  • and much more!

They also have a very special offer for their ebook: Communication with Confidence: The Creative Ambitious Entrepreneur’s Guide to Better Business Writing, with a $30.00 saving, so only $67 when you use the code: ambitious in their shopping cart.



About Jessica Oman & Nicole Breit

Jessica Oman

Nicole and Jessica are both trained educators with Bachelor Degrees in English and Education. Following their inner teacher, this talented writing duo created Communicating with

Confidence in response to the customers and fans who said they wanted to learn to improve their business writing.


Contact Jessica & Nicole


Nicole Breit


What about you? Do you have a book inside you waiting to get out, yet you’ve been struggling to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). What tips did you find most helpful? What actions will you take to bring your writing to life? Let me know in the comment box below. It’s always great to hear from you!!  And, remember to ‘Like’ and share the podcast with your friends.


*Reference: There are 31 million blogs in the USA



  1. […] The Ambitious Entrepreneur Network Interview: October 30, 2012 […]

  2. […] My second ebook, Communicating With Confidence: The Creative, Ambitious Entrepreneur’s Guide To Better Business Writing, was co-authored with Jessica Oman of Write Ahead Consulting and is available only as a .pdf download from ejunkie. Jessica and I divided the book into chapters and split them down the middle, each contributing to the introduction, conclusion and bonus content at the end. Because we worked together on the project, it was easy to stay motivated as we shared files, gave each other feedback and encouraged each other — then marketed the book together. […]

  3. […] I also wrote hundreds of meta tags, accepted the odd copywriting project, read and responded to hundreds of pages of writing as a mentor, and participated in 2 podcast interviews which took a lot of time to prep for in order to not sound like a complete dufus (though there are no guarantees I succeeded! You be the judge with Coach Kerri Smith and Annemarie Cross.) […]

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